Physics Capstone: Physics 400

Click here for a pdf file.
Click here for the zipped LaTeX file

No textbook, Handouts will be posted on this page.

Miscellaneous links and files
LaTeX Cheat Sheet
Juliaup — the recommended way to install Julia
Jupyterlab Desktop — simplest way to use Julia notebooks

Open Science Framework
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Course Description

This seminar-style course is taken by all physics majors in their senior year as they begin their capstone research project. The course will involve readings, discussions, and presentations, all designed to help students through creating and defending the research project.

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or permission of instructor.
Credits: 3


Cargo Cult Science - Commencement address by Richard Feynman: Read for class 2.1 on 9 Sept
Feynman on UFO’s: Brief YouTube clip.